Garware suncontrol film division has developed the new “IR Film” for automobile application.”IR Film” is a high performance automotive film which offers consumers the high end performance properties without the usage of the metalized film in product design.
The NIR Blocking organometallic nanoparticles incorporated within interlayer’s of laminate construction in combination with conventional dyed films in the product design provides long lasting heat protection to your vehicle.


Inter IR Films Ice Cool Green

Inter IR Films Ice Cool Grey

Inter IR Films Arctice Cool 70

Inter IR Films IR Plus Charcoal

Inter IR Films XT Charcoal

Inter IR Films Cool Blast Nano 70

Inter IR Films IR Supreme Charcoal

Inter IR Films IR Plus Premium Charcoal 5

Inter IR Films IR Plus Blast 70


Garware suncontrol window films can be applied on the glasses of any automobile. The prime benefit of Garware Suncontrol auto films is to reduce the heat generated by the rays of the sun falling on the automobile

The special feature of auto films is that they reduce heat and cut glare without making any compromise on the driving conditions. They provide additional safety and enhance the privacy of the inhabitants in the car. Various types and colours of the film, boost the aesthetics of the vehicle.

Special high performance films developed for the front wind screen of the automobiles have been a milestone in the Suncontrol industry.

The special feature of auto films is that they reduce heat and cut glare without making any compromise on the driving conditions. They provide additional safety and enhance the privacy of the inhabitants in the car. Various types and colours of the film, boost the aesthetics of the vehicle.

Special high performance films developed for the front wind screen of the automobiles have been a milestone in the Suncontrol industry.

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